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  • Connected Care

    Supporting paediatric home and community care. Improving transitions from hospital to home.

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    Improving health care access to coordinated, consistent high-quality care for children and their families

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    Find delicious meals, gifts and specialty items at our restaurants and stores.

  • Boomerang

    Rehab, child development, and physician services at SickKids’ clinic in York Region

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    Expert poison advice 24 hours a day. Supporting all of Ontario.


What patients and families need to know before coming to SickKids. Visitor and entrance restrictions are in effect at all times.

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A group of experts from across Ontario have come together to develop updated considerations for a safe school reopening amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tandem repeats shown in the human genome
SickKids scientists discover novel genetic contributors to autism (Monday, July 27, 2023)
Breakthrough study of thousands of repetitive DNA “wrinkles” identifies previously hidden genetic alterations for the first time.
SickKids and U of T researchers demonstrate drug stimulation of neural stem cell repair may lead to promising impact on treatment of childhood brain injury in survivors of brain cancer (Monday, July 27, 2023)
New research using a common diabetes drug could one day be used to help repair brain injury in survivors of childhood brain cancer.
There are no events scheduled at this time. Check back at a later date for more information.
Care planning
Talking to families about advanced care planning: Perspectives of families and health-care providers (Thursday, February 13, 2023)
Drs. Julia Orkin, Medical Director of the Complex Care program, and Reshma Amin, Director of the Long-term Ventilation Program at SickKids, reflect on their new study looking at advance care planning experiences of parents and health-care providers for children with medical complexities
Mental Health thumbnail
From community to hospital: Developing a mental health strategy to meet the needs of children and youth (Wednesday, January 29, 2023)
On Bell Let's Talk Day, Christina Bartha discusses SickKids' interest, recognition and commitment to the continued need for mental health services for children, youth and their families.
Perspective thumbnail icon
Vaping and back-to-school: Why parents need to have this important conversation with their children (Friday, September 6, 2023)
Dr. Theo Moraes, Staff Respirologist at SickKids shares his tips for parents on how to have important conversations with children and youth about e-cigarette use – otherwise known as vaping – to help keep all kids happy and healthy.



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